Rachel Roupp, Community Relations Associate

Miss Rachel is the first person you see when you walk into SEA.
“I love the unique way that my role allows me to connect with people across the entire SEA community. I see students and faculty across all divisions every day. I've gotten to know plenty of parents and grandparents too!"

Students love that when they come to see Miss Rachel, they know that they can share what they are looking forward to that day, something fun they did last weekend, or what book they're currently reading — and she can even give them a recommendation of what to read next.

With her background as a poet with an MFA, Miss Rachel also teaches an Upper School elective class in poetry. “I love recommending books to our students, and I love reading their excellent writing and seeing their art. I enjoy giving them time and space to hear about the things that excite them!”

Bonus! Miss Rachel is a Notary and is happy to help with all notarizing needs.
Guided by our Core Values and commitment to high standards, St. Edmund’s Academy provides a diverse, inclusive, and nurturing learning community where students are known, valued, and challenged to achieve their potential.