The purpose of the Bias Incident Response Plan is to provide a timely and effective school response to incidents of bias and prejudice, to ensure accountability, and to provide advocacy for persons affected by bias motivated incidents.
Bias Incident: an act of discrimination[i], hate speech[ii], harassment [iii], or retaliation[iv], by known or unknown offenders that occurs on the campus or property, and that one could reasonably conclude is directed at a member or group of the St. Edmund’s Academy School community because of that individual's or group's actual or perceived age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, ex-offender status, gender, gender identity/presentation, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any combination of these or other related factors.
Critical incident: Critical incidents are those situations that might present a risk of significant bodily harm, property damage, legal issues, or media notification, and that require immediate action beyond the scope of a normal bias investigation.
Hate Crime: Pennsylvania's hate crime laws are in two broad categories. First, there are a number of laws aimed specifically at hate (e.g., Deprivation of rights. Desecration of property. Cross burning). However, other actual criminal offenses may also be hate crimes if motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias toward the affected individuals' status. Various elements, alone or in combination, determine whether or not a crime is a hate crime. All hate crimes are bias incidents, but not all bias incidents are hate crimes. The City of Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations is responsible for investigating all reports of crimes including alleged hate crimes. The Pittsburgh Police may also involve other police agencies at the state or federal level depending upon the seriousness of the crime. The SEA Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) will also investigate if the alleged offender is a student.
Victim/Person Affected: Individuals affected by a bias incident are not always limited to those individuals or institutions directly targeted by the crime. For example, racist graffiti or vandalism on campus may target an entire population without actually damaging any of their individual property. This Plan will advocate for all persons affected by bias incidents, and also track bias incidents that are not perpetrated against any particular individual if such incidents generate an indirect, but unequivocal impact on the individuals or populations at risk (e.g., defacing school or personal property, destruction of certain books in a library, altering of school signs).
Complainant: Any individual reporting an alleged bias incident.
Report Recipient: Any faculty or staff member who receives a report or becomes aware of a bias incident.
There are three ways that incidents can be reported: 1) by the affected individual(s); 2) by a Third Party; 3) by a Report Recipient.
1) Report by the affected individual(s): SEA encourages all members of the school community who believe they are affected individual(s) of a bias motivated incident or crime to immediately report the incident to the Office of Equity & Inclusion and, in the case of hate crimes, to the City of Pittsburgh Police. Although reporting is not required, it is strongly encouraged. Immediate reporting is an important factor in successful investigation and in order to take prompt corrective actions. When the report is made, the affected individual(s) must complete a Bias Incident Report Form (Attachment A). As soon as is practically possible, the eor designee will initiate the Bias Incident Report protocol (see III).
2) Report by a Third Party: Any member of the university community can file a third party report to the Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) regarding a potential bias motivated incident, or, the case of a hate crime, to the Pittsburgh Police. Even if the affected individual(s) does not wish to come forward, a report is encouraged, as it can provide useful information for protecting the community-at-large and connecting similar reports while protecting the affected individuals' anonymity.
3) Report Recipient: When the affected individual(s) of or a witness to a bias incident reports it to a faculty or staff member or another student, that person becomes a Report Recipient. They should contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion and complete a Bias Incident Report Form (Attachment A). As soon as is practically possible, the Diversity Officer or designee will initiate the Bias Incident Report protocol (See III). The Report Recipient may also determine that it is appropriate to contact others including Head of School, or Pittsburgh Police in the case of an alleged hate crime.
The Bias Incident Response Protocol provides a means for responding in a timely and effective manner to bias motivated incidents at SEA. The OEI manages this process.
When a bias incident or hate crime is reported, OEI will determine if it constitutes a critical incident, and immediately notify Head of School. The Head of School shall then issue a communique as soon as possible to notify members of the community.
Within 24 hours of receipt of a Bias Incident Report, SEA’s Director of Inclusion & Global Awareness will convene an Ad Hoc Response Committee, to include appropriate school staff determined on a case by case basis. The Response Committee will determine the appropriate action, including the development of an Action Plan, if needed. In the case of Critical Incidents, action plans must be approved by the Head of School. Depending on the circumstances, investigations of the incident might be carried out by OEI, the Director of Upper School or Lower School /Early Childhood, and/or the Pittsburgh Police Department.
OEI will notify the person who filed the report of the recommended action by the ad hoc committee. The school’s Director of Inclusion & Global Awareness will be the main contact person for the affected individual(s) in the incident.
The School’s highest concern is for the emotional and physical well-being of persons affected by a bias motivated incident or hate crime. The person(s) affected shall have access to school services that can help them maintain emotional and psychological well-being and provide for their safety, and informal mediation efforts as appropriate. For example, affected students may require assistance in changing their academic program if these changes are reasonably available. The OEI will be the first official point of contact for facilitating affected individual(s)’ access to all needed services.